New Study Findings About Water Filter Effectiveness
Newark conducted a study of the PUR filters in Newark between August and September 2019. The study showed that 97.5% of the filters, when properly installed and maintained, reduced lead to 10 parts-per-billion (ppb) or below. When the faucet was flushed for 5 minutes prior to filtering, 99.5% of the filters reduced lead to 10 ppb or below.
Until further notice, Newark recommends flushing for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to filtering to maximize filter performance in reducing lead in drinking water. Flush for a minimum of 8 minutes if you have a longer front yard or a service line over 75-feet.
Properly used filters
When properly installed and maintained, 97.5% of the filters reduced lead to 10 parts-per-billion (ppb) or below
Properly used and flushed filters
When the faucet was flushed for 5 minutes prior to filtering, 99.5% of the filters reduced lead to 10 parts-per-billion (ppb) or below
Learn more
Please view the important information for all residents in our new Filter Program Guide.
You may also review the full Filter Study Report conducted on the PUR filters in Newark and download the raw data used for the analysis. Addresses have been removed to protect the privacy of the residents.
Filter Program Guide
Important information for all residents
Filter Study Report
Filter Study Database
For more about water filters, including how to get one and properly maintain and use it, see the Water Filter and Replacement Cartridge Distribution Program page.